Article 16

The Article 16 Clinic provides therapy services to individuals and their collaterals which are habilitative or rehabilitative in nature at six different locations located throughout the Tri-County area. Specializing in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and mental health services which include psychotherapy and psychiatry services. These services occur at certified clinic sites and provide quality services through the use of experienced and licensed staff. Individuals who have a diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis may be referred. Referrals can be directed toward the treatment manager of the Article 16 Clinic. Based on the results therapy recommendations will be made.
Main Location
Helen F. McDonald Center
10 St. Patrick’s Place
Port Henry, NY 12974
Hours of Operation
Mon - Fri8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat - SunClosed
Satellite Sites
Programs & Services
Service Eligibility
To receive services from Mountain Lake Services, one must be deemed eligible for services provided by OPWDD. This is determined by a regional eligibility committee.
To qualify for OPWDD services, one must have a qualifying diagnosis, an IQ that falls in the disabled range, significant adaptive deficits, and an onset of a disability prior to the age of 22.
Qualifying diagnoses are:
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy
- Epilepsy
- Neurological Impairment
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
A person must score 70 or below to have an IQ in the disabled range.

Available Services