Employment Services

Integrated Business, Supported Employment, Prevocational Services, and Access-VR

Supported Employment Services
Charles R. Hayes Essex Industries
Mountain Lake Consignment & Engraving
Mountain Weavers' Farm Store and Guild
Mountain Weavers’ Farm Store supports area farmers throughout Essex County and provides fresh local food to our community. Seasonal fruits and vegetables, bread, eggs, dairy products, meats and more all from area producers are carried in the Store.
Hand crafted baskets made by our weavers’ program, as well as produce and value-added food products grown and produced by our horticulture program are featured. Both weaving and horticulture programs provide pre-vocational services to build social skills and work skills, preparing the individuals supported for competitive employment.
The Farm Store itself also provides valuable work experience for individuals in both programs.
Programs & Services
Service Eligibility
To receive services from Mountain Lake Services, one must be deemed eligible for services provided by OPWDD. This is determined by a regional eligibility committee.
To qualify for services, an individual must possess a diagnosis of a developmental disability as defined by OPWDD. The onset of the disability must occur prior to the age of 22.
Qualifying diagnoses are:
- Intellectual Disabilities
- Cerebral Palsy
- Epilepsy
- Neurological Impairment
- Learning Disability
- Autism
- Other Developmental Disabilities
Some individuals who do not meet the above listed diagnoses may still be eligible for Supported Employment services based on ACCES-VR eligibility.
Other Helpful Resources
Front Door!
The Front Door is based on the understanding that, as a person with developmental disabilities you have the right to:
- Enjoy meaningful relationships,
- Experience personal growth,
- Participate in your community and,
- Live in the home of your choice.
The Front Door is the way OPWDD connects you to the services you want and need. Once you enter, a person-centered planning process begins, which helps you learn about and access service options that take your needs and desires into consideration. It will also give you the chance to direct your own service plan or help your family member or loved one as they direct theirs.
Front Door staff will guide you through the steps involved in finding out if you are eligible for services with OPWDD, identify your needs, goals and preferences and help you work on a plan for getting those services.